Disc to the Future 2
Disc to the Future Part II Programmer's Reference (Wayzata Technology)(6013)(1992).bin
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340 lines
ResMap FKEY by James W. Walker
This FKEY displays a list of the open resource files,
in the order in which the Resource Manager searches them.
This is written for THINK C 4.0. Note that "Custom Headers"
should be turn on in the "Set Project Type..." dialog.
#define DEBUGGING 0 /* Compile in DebugStr instructions? */
#define DEBUGSTR(s) DebugStr(s)
#define DEBUGSTR(s) SysBeep(1)
#include <HFS.h>
#include <FileMgr.h>
#include <MultiFinder.h>
#include <MacProto.h>
#define nil 0L
#define MOVE_TO_FRONT -1L
#define BUTTON_WIDTH 60
#define BUTTON_HEIGHT 20
#define BUTTON_GAP 10 /* Vertical distance from button */
/* to other stuff. */
#define BOX_HEIGHT 250
#define BOX_WIDTH 240
#define OSDISPATCH 0xA88F
typedef struct Resource_map {
long rhead[4];
struct Resource_map **next; /* Handle to next resource map. */
short refnum; /* resource file reference number */
/* ...and other stuff I don't need to reference. */
} **ResMap_h;
typedef struct QuickDraw {
long randSeed;
BitMap screenBits;
Cursor arrow;
Pattern dkGray;
Pattern ltgray;
Pattern gray;
Pattern black;
Pattern white;
GrafPtr thePort;
} QuickDraw;
/* --------------- Prototypes --------------------- */
Boolean Check_handle( Handle h, Ptr top_mem );
void main( void );
/* ------------------- main ----------------------- */
void main()
register WindowPtr my_window;
WindowPtr which_window;
Rect bounds, listview, databounds, listbox, button_rect;
GrafPtr save_port;
register ResMap_h this_map;
FCBPBRec fcb;
Str255 filename;
ListHandle list;
Cell ncell; /* name */
EventRecord event;
Boolean done;
short place, part;
ControlHandle button, which_control;
int cur_resfile = CurResFile();
register short row_num;
Ptr top_mem;
QuickDraw *QD_globals;
static Boolean running = false; /* Prevent reentrance */
asm {
movem.l a0-a5/d0-d7, -(SP) ; save registers
LEA main, A4 ; for addressing the static variable
if (running)
goto reentrant_exit;
running = true;
GetPort( &save_port );
/* Find the top of RAM, for checking handles. */
if (NGetTrapAddress(OSDISPATCH, ToolTrap) !=
NGetTrapAddress(UNIMPLEMENTED, ToolTrap))
top_mem = StripAddress(MFTopMem());
top_mem = StripAddress(TopMem());
Get QuickDraw globals, so we can find the screen size.
QD_globals = (QuickDraw *) ( *(Byte **) CurrentA5 -
(sizeof(QuickDraw) - sizeof(GrafPtr)) );
Create a window (centered) and set its font.
bounds.top = QD_globals->screenBits.bounds.top + GetMBarHeight() +
(QD_globals->screenBits.bounds.bottom -
QD_globals->screenBits.bounds.top - GetMBarHeight()
- BOX_HEIGHT) / 2;
bounds.bottom = bounds.top + BOX_HEIGHT;
bounds.left = QD_globals->screenBits.bounds.left +
(QD_globals->screenBits.bounds.right -
QD_globals->screenBits.bounds.left - BOX_WIDTH) / 2;
bounds.right = bounds.left + BOX_WIDTH;
my_window = NewWindow( nil, &bounds, "\pFKEY", true, dBoxProc,
(WindowPtr) MOVE_TO_FRONT, true, nil );
It would seem reasonable to use a null string as the window
title and use false as the goAwayFlag parameter, since the
window has no title bar. Then I noticed that the "Select
rear window" QuicKey (in QuicKeys 2.0.1) would send the
FKEY's window behind other windows, but would not bring it back.
Changing these parameters fixes this.
if (my_window == nil)
DEBUGSTR("\pResmap can't create window.");
goto getout;
((WindowPeek)my_window)->windowKind = 1;
SetPort( my_window );
TextSize( 12 );
TextFont( geneva );
Frame the rectangle in which we'll display the scrolling list.
listbox = my_window->portRect;
InsetRect( &listbox, 3, 3 );
/* Leave room for the Cancel button */
listbox.bottom -= BUTTON_HEIGHT + 2*BUTTON_GAP;
FrameRect( &listbox );
Create the Cancel button.
SetRect( &button_rect,
(listbox.right + listbox.left - BUTTON_WIDTH) / 2,
listbox.bottom + BUTTON_GAP,
(listbox.right + listbox.left + BUTTON_WIDTH) / 2,
listbox.bottom + BUTTON_GAP + BUTTON_HEIGHT );
button = NewControl( my_window, &button_rect, "\pCancel", true,
0, 0, 1, pushButProc, nil );
if (button == nil)
DEBUGSTR("\pCouldn't create a button");
SetPort( save_port );
DisposeWindow( my_window );
goto getout;
/* Create the list. */
listview = listbox;
InsetRect( &listview, 1, 1 );
listview.right -= 15; /* Don't include the scroll bar. */
SetRect( &databounds, 0, 0, 1, 0 ); /* 1 column, │ 0 rows */
ncell.h = ncell.v = 0;
list = LNew( &listview,
&databounds, /* Preallocated storage */
ncell, /* Cell size: use default. */
0, /* default LDEF */
false, /* Don't draw yet. */
false, /* No grow box. */
false, /* No horizontal scrolling. */
true /* We do vertical scrolling. */
if (!Check_handle( (Handle) list, top_mem ))
DEBUGSTR("\pBad list handle!");
DisposeControl( button );
SetPort( save_port );
DisposeWindow( my_window );
goto getout;
/* Fill the list. */
ncell.h = ncell.v =0; /* ncell will always be in column 0 */
row_num = 0;
fcb.ioCompletion = nil;
fcb.ioFCBIndx = nil;
this_map = (ResMap_h) TopMapHndl;
while ( Check_handle( (Handle) this_map, top_mem ) )
ncell.v = row_num;
(void) LAddRow( 1, row_num, list );
fcb.ioRefNum = (**this_map).refnum;
fcb.ioVRefNum = 0;
fcb.ioNamePtr = (StringPtr) filename;
PBGetFCBInfo( &fcb, false );
if ( fcb.ioResult == noErr )
LSetCell( &filename[1], (int) filename[0], ncell, list );
LSetCell( "***** Can't get file info *****", 31, ncell, list );
if ( (**this_map).refnum == cur_resfile )
LSetSelect( true, ncell, list );
this_map = (**this_map).next;
ncell.v = row_num;
(void) LAddRow( 6, ncell.v, list );
LSetCell( "-------------------------------", 31, ncell, list );
LSetCell( "This FKEY shows the list of", 27, ncell, list );
LSetCell( "resource maps. The CurResFile", 29, ncell, list );
LSetCell( "is highlighted. Vers. 1.3.", 27, ncell, list );
LSetCell( "Freeware by Jim Walker, 1991.", 29, ncell, list );
LSetCell( "76367.2271@compuserve.com", 25, ncell, list );
LDoDraw( true, list );
Process update, mousedown, and keydown events. Quit when we
see a click on the Cancel button, or any keydown.
done = false;
while (!done)
(void)GetNextEvent( everyEvent, &event );
SetPort( my_window ); /* Probably not needed. */
switch (event.what)
case mouseDown:
place = FindWindow( event.where, &which_window );
if ( (which_window == my_window) && (place == inContent) )
GlobalToLocal( &event.where );
part = FindControl( event.where, my_window,
&which_control );
if (which_control == button)
part = TrackControl( button, event.where, nil );
if (part == inButton)
done = true;
else if (which_control != nil) /* scroll bar */
LClick( event.where, event.modifiers, list );
case updateEvt:
if ((WindowPtr)event.message == my_window)
BeginUpdate( my_window );
LUpdate( my_window->visRgn, list );
FrameRect( &listbox );
DrawControls( my_window );
EndUpdate( my_window );
case keyDown:
done = true;
LDispose( list );
DisposeControl( button );
SetPort( save_port );
DisposeWindow( my_window );
running = false;
asm {
movem.l (SP)+, a0-a5/d0-d7
/* --------------------------- Check_handle --------------------------- */
Boolean Check_handle( Handle h, Ptr top_mem )
THz zone;
if (h == nil)
return( false );
if ((long)h & 1L)
DEBUGSTR("\pOdd handle");
return( false );
if (StripAddress((Ptr)h) > top_mem)
DEBUGSTR("\pHigh handle");
return( false );
if (*h == nil)
DEBUGSTR("\pEmpty handle");
return( false );
if (StripAddress((Ptr)*h) > top_mem)
DEBUGSTR("\pHigh master pointer");
return( false );
if ((long)*h & 1L)
DEBUGSTR("\pOdd master pointer");
return( false );
zone = HandleZone( h );
if (MemError() != noErr)
DEBUGSTR("\pAttempt to operate on a free block?");
return( false );
return( true );